Welcome to The Bog

Starting modestly as a class assignment, and then forgotten I have returned with the intention of embarking on a major "wetland restoration project" with the goal of bringing The Bog back to its future glory.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Art in Advertising

This is a print ad for Ray-ban sunglasses, by Cutwater, it is Andy Worhol esque with the bright colors and artisitic composition. The ad is also for an iconic brand, and style, and is an intersting example of how advertising can both imitate art and be art at the same time.

This ad from Ogilvy & Mather Thailand, is a simple and more or less irrefutable example fo advertising as art. The combination of a painful, yet beatuiful photography, is not only effective advertising by making people aware of the issues currently facing today forests, but it a moving piece on its own being just as at home in an art gallery as on a billboard.

I love this ad for Sony Bravia by Fallon, even though it is controversial becuase they most likley stole the idea from a couple of up and comings. It is such a powerful example of advertising as art becuase even if it had absolutly nothing to with a product I would be just as moved. The moving combination of music, claymation on a huge scale in an unpredictable urban environment is very powerful, and visually stunning.

This ad for Coke by wieden & Kennedy Amsterdam is another ad that is powerful on its own, this ad masterfully used computer animation rather than clay to creat an alternate reality and story behind the product. Its extrmely imaginative and inspires childlike curiousity. It is also powerful becuase it is new and different and will undoubtly inspire other similar works.

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