Welcome to The Bog

Starting modestly as a class assignment, and then forgotten I have returned with the intention of embarking on a major "wetland restoration project" with the goal of bringing The Bog back to its future glory.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Inspirational Alarm Clock

My freshman year I was very interested in motivation and inspiration, and consequently red/watched The Secret, which is a book about the power of positive belief, visualization ect. It started me thinking about how so many children especially underprivileged or poor children (and adults) grow up with nothing expected of them , and not expectations of themselves. One of the most powerful forces in a persons life it how they view their potential to succeed. I thought an interesting idea would be to create an alarm clock that featured inspirational videos like this

or speaker from the secret, to give an inspirational message when you wake up that would give people the power and reminder of their potential. I thought in order to make it more popular you could also use celebrities and athletes talk about their trials and tribulations and how persevered to emerge successful. It would even be quite simple especially if teaming up with these major companies and name, to get start up funding. I thought songs/wake up calls could be sold on Itunes and other online music and download sites to be purchased, and every dollar of purchase would go towards free song/ alarm for under person in need.

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