Welcome to The Bog

Starting modestly as a class assignment, and then forgotten I have returned with the intention of embarking on a major "wetland restoration project" with the goal of bringing The Bog back to its future glory.

Monday, October 19, 2009

NFL Ballet

I saw this cool NFL ad last night and got chills, I love how somthing as simple as slowing down somthing as violent, fast and chaotic as football can bring it into a whole new light. It definitly will grab the attention of someone who typically may view football as a sport played by oafish brutes, such as mothers or wives, by allowing them to see the grace, and agillity required to play at such levels. It also reminded me of the importance of remebering to look harder and deeper into and at daily life and beauty, from a different perspective. I often take for granted many of the simple beutiful things that are constantly occuring around me.us.


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