Welcome to The Bog

Starting modestly as a class assignment, and then forgotten I have returned with the intention of embarking on a major "wetland restoration project" with the goal of bringing The Bog back to its future glory.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

We are living in EXPONENTIAL TIMES!

The Google post got me thinking on a grander scale about the "future."

We are living in confusing times, the entire world is moving faster and faster towards a future that is increasingly uncertain. From the very beginning, the human race, has multiplied, and strived to do things more efficiently, but today we are moving so fast that we are unable to see the future world we are moving towards. One of the most alarming aspects of our global dilemma is that the problems we face such as climate change, water shortages, natural resource depletion, food shortages and disease, are only going to get worse as the population continues to grow.

As I see it there are three options :
1. Ignore or deny.
2.Give up.

I am inspired by the problems we face in the future, and by the incredible possibilities that lie ahead. Never before have there been so many educated and knowledge hungry young brains on the planet, and even more exciting is that the IDEAS they create are connected, and will continue to become so interconnected, that one day soon it will be as if humanity has one BIG brain.

As Internet becomes more accessible, and the technology that incorporates it grows smarter and more efficient, one day the WWW will be humanities BRAIN.

I believe the problems we are and will continue to face will be one of the best opportunities humanity has ever been given. These future threats can only be solved through truly global cooperation. We find ourselves in the Age of Information, finally with the capabilities to work together and think as a global community.

I am confident that The Human Race, with a brain literally as big as all the world's brains combined, will come up with a plan to get us out of this mess... before its too late.

This video is a series of future statistics which will make you think of what future lies ahead.

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