Welcome to The Bog

Starting modestly as a class assignment, and then forgotten I have returned with the intention of embarking on a major "wetland restoration project" with the goal of bringing The Bog back to its future glory.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Map of anything worms

Today I witnessed an event that I have numerous times before in my short 20 years of life, but for some reason it struck me as especially meaningful. I was walking to class eiry in the morning, and saw a large earthworm making its way across the the side walk. It was such a powerful image for some reason, two polar opposites, a wet slimey cold, soft bodied, delicate worm, inching fearlessly, blindly across a hot craggy barren lifeless desert of concrete. I watched as he inched by his mummified comrades, stuck to the cement, squished down by and oblivious foot. I stood there as he finished crossing the remaining 8 inches to the other side, so as not to give the birds watching us a chance for an easy meal. Sure I probably should have let the birds eat him after all I am a huge fan of Darwin and survival of the fittest, but it was this worm lucky day. It makes me wonder what drives all creatures from worms to human explores to traverse such treacherous lands. I know in the case of most animals it is most likely instincts driven by the desire to expand the gene pool, but who am I to speculate, maybe he was looking for his one true love who was snatched up by a bird only to be accidentally dropped on the other end of the world.

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