Welcome to The Bog

Starting modestly as a class assignment, and then forgotten I have returned with the intention of embarking on a major "wetland restoration project" with the goal of bringing The Bog back to its future glory.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Power of music: Live Preformance Taubman Atrium

I was walking to Meadows Library today and on my way there came across a Meadows preformance of various vocalist, violinists and even a very impressive accordian player. A number of the preformaces gave me chills, just watching how deeply the preformers felt their music and instrument. This experience renewed my devotion to learning to play the harmonica. A christmas ago I began learning to play the harmonica, an instrument I chose because of its relative ease of use, small size and low price, which would allow for me to bring it where ever I went for an impromptu harmonica jam session. Now although I am by no means a super star I am improving and after toay I hope to up my practic sessions so that I can get to the point when I no longer need to use harp tabs. It is so important to challenge you skill set and creative abilities, althoug I cannot pick up on song words due to a hearing disorder that used to also prevented me from learning to read, I can feel a beat and love learning a new song.

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