Welcome to The Bog

Starting modestly as a class assignment, and then forgotten I have returned with the intention of embarking on a major "wetland restoration project" with the goal of bringing The Bog back to its future glory.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1, 2009 Happy 60th Birthday Communist China

I read an interesting article today about the state of art in China today entitled Artists Test Limits as China Lets (a Few) Flowers Bloom, it makes some interesting observations, and made me think about the incredible creative potential of the future. Typically when I begin thinking about China and its enormous population, economy, resource demands, army, and growth rate I become intimidated or threatened. However, once I begin to think of the Chinese as people who are trying to get ahead in life and essentially in the end make the place better for the future, I realize that they are and will continue to be one of our greatest partners. Although China is still hard at work stifling creativity aimed at the government and social issues, it is only stifling a creative revolution which will without a doubt emerge in the not to distant future. For as prosperity and education continues to grow in China I believe that its government will reform. In many ways China should be viewed as a role model. China's extremely rapid growth are forcing it to deal with climate and resource issues much sooner that the US, which is why although China is holding back on abiding by Kyoto protocol and other UN goals, as is the US, they are setting their own bold alternative energy, and sustainability goals which are much more comprehensive than any current US plans. However, that may simply be because the government has much more say in China than in the US, where people are still warming-up pun intended to environmental issues. In some ways it is a crime agains humanity, when creativity is stifled, and one of the best ways to stifle creativity, is by taking away ones freedom. I for one cannot wait for the day when the Chinese are free to live up to thier creative potential.

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